It's not often I agree with Pauline Hansen but this week she gets the Divorce Resource "Seal of Approval"

One Nation leader Pauline Hanson believes Family Law should be one of the priorities for Australia.

She was reported in the Sunday Mail as saying, “family law is high on my agenda. I just think it needs a complete overhaul.” 

On that single point, she gets the Divorce Resource seal of approval.

Divorce Resource Seal Approval


Whilst the focus on starting a conversation about how to improve a system that is currently not working well for many people is welcome, her proposed solutions are impractical. She hasn't really thought it through. She is just making some noise and drawing attention to a problem.  She's right though, there is a problem and resolving it should be a priority.

Ms Hanson recently presented an outline of her blueprint for a “better Australia”. 

He blueprint would force newlyweds to secure court-approved premarital agreements that could address financial and parental issues when a marriage breaks down.

She promises that the agreements would be confidential and lodged with courts.

People change. Life gets in the way. When a relationship ends, you need to deal with the circumstances as they stand. An outdated prenup may actually work against one of the parties and not be in the best interest of the children.  Besides, it would very likely not stand up in court, and who wants to go to court to prove the validity of a prenup before commencing the negotiations for settlement?

Ms Hanson believes focusing on the family law system would lessen the burden that the court faces.

Hmmm ... most definitely there's room for well considered improvements. Raising awareness of the issue and informed discussion is a good starting point.

Her blueprint for the country also includes a flat two percent tax rate for all Australians (even welfare recipients), the launch of an Australian identity card and establishing a royal commission into Islam.

Hmmm ... maybe not, Pauline.

She believes her One Nation party has a realistic chance of governing in the future.

Hmmm ... maybe not, Pauline.

But, her push for a focus on the Family Law system, now that's something we can agree with.

Published by DivorceResource




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