Submission guidelines
Divorce Resource welcomes submissions from professionals and the community of interesting, thought-provoking, factually correct and well-written posts relating to any topic that is of value to our network, to publish on our blog and promote across our platforms.
Your submission must contain AUSTRALIAN-based content.
Here’s what you need to know about writing for Divorce Resource:
By submitting a written piece to Divorce Resource, in any format, including any text, images, graphics, or video, you agree that you give your full permission for Divorce Resource to publish and distribute submitted content to its audience via its websites, social media platforms and other 3rd party media platforms in perpetuity.
You warrant that you have all of the necessary rights, including copyright and distribution, in the content and images you contribute, that your content is not defamatory and that it does not infringe any law. You indemnify Divorce Resource against any and all legal fees, damages and other expenses that may be incurred by Divorce Resource as a result of a breach of the above warranty.
Identification of Anyone Involved In Family Law Issues Is Against the Law
Do not give specifics which will identify you, your partner, children or other parties involved. Section 121 of the Family Law Act makes it an offence to publish proceedings that identify persons or witnesses involved in family law proceedings. This prohibition also extends to the publication of any identifying picture. This means it is an offence for you to identify your ex-partner or your children specifically in any public entry on For exceptions to this general prohibition, see section 121(9) of the Family Law Act.
Can you advertise your product or service?
Our preference is to publish insightful and informative opinion pieces that do not seek to sell a specific product or service.
While we understand the purpose of submitting content is often to raise your professional profile or that of your products and services, overall, the article must be deemed by our editor to be predominantly impartial, useful and informative rather than an advertorial piece. We are happy to include an image of the author and links to their website or social media site if provided.
We reserve the right to correct grammar and spelling errors and to remove embedded hyperlinks at our discretion.
We do not enter into any discussion as to why your article submission was not successful and only successful applicants will be contacted with a link to published material.
When submitting a post, please provide the following:
Any images (including photos of the people who are being described in your story, where possible and appropriate).
A biography of 2-3 sentences and a high-resolution headshot of the author (unless you are submitting anonymously, which is preferable if you are telling your own story and are still involved in the separation process. If this is the case, please make that clear in your submission).
The text of the post should be copied in the body of the email AND attached in a word document. Please aim to keep posts to between 600-1000 words.
Submission Checklist:
Your name (or let us know it's anonymous)
SUBMISSIONS in email subject
Title of your article
Summary of article
High-resolution headshot of author
2-3 sentence Author Bio
Attached word document
Text pasted into body of the email
Link to your website
Links to Social Medias
Link to your Linkedin profile
Link to original publication
Divorce Resource does not provide payment for any submissions.
How to submit
Please send submissions through to: christine [ at ] divorceresource [dot] com [dot] au.
Remember to include SUBMISSIONS in the email subject line
You may submit a post from your own blog via a link but note that it will be republished on our blog with a link back to your site.
Featured writers
Your bio and image may be included in our featured writer's gallery, however, this is not guaranteed.