Child Support Calculator

Australian Child Support Calculator

Details Regarding Child Support
Does the contact (number of nights care) differ for the children? (NO, if only 1 child)?
Do you pay to, or receive child support from, more than one person?
What is your adjusted taxable income (annual taxable income plus supplementary amounts)?
What is the other parent's adjusted annual taxable income (exclude FTB A & B)?
How many of your children are less than 13 years old?
How many of your children are greater than or equal to 13 years old (but under 18 years old)?
How many nights care per year do you provide to the child/ren?
Details of Subsequent Biological / Adoptive Children Living with the Higher Earning Parent
How many of these subsequent biological/adoptive children less than 13 yeares old live with you?
How many of these subsequent biological/adoptive children greater than or equal to 13 years old (but under 18 years old) live with you?
Details of subsequent children of your ex (not biological or adopted by you)
Does another person pay child support for these subsequent children?
How many of these children are less than 13 years old are provided for by another person?
How many of these children are greater than or equal to 13 years old (but under 18 years old) are provided for by another person?
Total Cost of the Child/ren
The other parent's percentage of total costs of child    
Your percentage of total costs of child   
Reduction percentage for regular contact with you
Child Support amounts payable (or, if the amount is -ve, received) by you 
Monthly Figure
Weekly Figure
Daily Figure

Situations where the calculator may not provide a reliable estimate

  • Where the parents have multiple child support arrangements.  
  • If you have additional children living at home you may pay less or recieve more than is indicated in the estimate.
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