Christine Weston - About Me
As a Nationally Accredited Mediator and Divorce Coach, Christine Weston is passionate about helping others to minimise the stress, conflict and cost of the separation process.
She is the creator of this DivorceResource website, designer of The Split Kit (Australia's first divorce management software) and author of the resource books, ‘The First Steps through Separation & Divorce’ and "Separation and Divorce involving Real Estate'.
Christine is a mother of two teenage sons and lives in Perth, Australia.
'As you probably guessed, the catalyst for Divorce Resource and The Split Kit was my own drawn out and emotional divorce. It took around four years to resolve and involved complicated legal, financial and personal implications spanning Australia, England, New Zealand and South Africa.
I experienced some of life’s tough lessons, let me help you to avoid the mistakes I made.
When I was in the midst of it all, I found there was a real lack of information about how to cut to what’s actually important and relevant. We made mistakes which were stressful and cost us time and money.
I figured with 50,000 divorces each year in Australia, there must be thousands of people facing the same issues. I resolved to make lemonade from lemons and the seed for Divorce Resource was planted.
I saw so many people around me making the same mistakes that I'd made.
Divorce, property settlement and coming to terms with co-parenting is a really difficult and stressful process to go through.
Most people feel vulnerable and rely on professionals to take over the reins for them.
I’m not suggesting that you don’t need to get advice from qualified professionals. In most cases, you absolutely should and my firm recommendation is that they should be collaboratively trained. However, they can't provide advice specific to your circumstances if they don't know exactly what your circumstances are.
Don’t pay experts by the hour to explain the family law principles or collate the detailed documentation they need to make up the snapshot of your life. Do it yourself - with the help of The Split Kit, of course! If you feel it is all just too overwhelming, don't worry ... most people feel that way at first ... contact me for a coaching and strategy session to help you get moving in the right direction.
And, don’t spend time seeking emotional support, approval of your choices or venting about your ex's errant ways with anyone other than a trained therapist. It's really important to get your emotional self together, and your pragmatic self-organised so that you're not wasting the expert's time and your money.
Over the past few years, I have created The Split Kit - simple, secure and affordable divorce organiser software. I believe it is the first and only software program of its kind in the world.
I've sourced valuable tools and resources to help you to take care of all that you can yourself, before paying by the hour for legal advice.
Oh, and I wrote a book about it! I'm proud of the resources I have put together. I'm confident that if you follow all the tips and advice you are going to save time and money and perhaps even a little bit of your sanity.
Divorce can be complex. Let me help you to simplify it.
'Both the kit and the book are the best resources clearly and simply explaining the substance and the process in Family Law matters. This is exactly what we are trying to achieve in our consultations - that clients have clear structure and simple guidance through this confusing process. I would highly recommend.' Evgeny Vasilyev, Partner at Morris, Alexander & Nelson, (Barristers and Solicitors)
‘I just love, love the checklist you have created, amazing and so, so helpful. It’s the checklist to end all divorce checklists.’ – The Divorce Go To Girl, Renee Catt.
'The Split Kit - Well done - top initiative and excellently executed!!' - Julian, WA.
'I followed the advice and worked through the information outlined in the Split Kit. When I saw a lawyer, she said I was the most organised client she had ever encountered. I'm sure it has saved me a lot of time with her and that means it's saved me money, possibly several thousand dollars. Thank you so much. Thoroughly recommended.' Leigh, WA.
'The First Steps through Separation and Divorce' book is an invaluable, practical and reassuring guide for anyone contemplating separating and divorce, or those already faced with making arrangements for co-parenting or negotiating a property agreement. Following the advice is sure to allay some fears and save you time and money.' - David Barber, Pario Financial Management, Member of Collaborative Law Professionals (WA).
'Christine’s quick understanding of the requirements across three jurisdictions is something even lawyers have difficulty in understanding. It was extremely helpful to me to have an articulate client who is also fair and reasonable as well as quick-witted. Her positive attitude was a pleasure to deal with even when times were tough.' - Charmaine Hast, Partner, Wedlake Bell LLP, Legal 500 leading individual in London Family Law.
'I follow your Facebook posts and appreciate the list I downloaded from your website. It is sensible and practical and helped me to get a handle on what to do first. There were many things on it that I would never even have thought of.' – Peter, NSW.
'Much appreciated and helped me to realise I WILL GET THERE!' – Helen, WA.