Useful Links


TRIPLE ZERO (000) Police - Fire - Ambulance 

Emergency service for all Australians in an emergency.

Telephone: 000 (Triple 0) or 131 444 Available 24/7

Link to Website

How to call Triple Zero (000)

Click here for more information on our 24/7 Crisis Support page.


National Relay Service TTY (teletypewriter) & Relay Provides service access for people who are deaf and hearing impaired.  

For emergency TTY calls: 106. 

For emergency access via the internet:



  • Lifeline provides all Australians experiencing a personal crisis with access to one-on-one 24 hour crisis support and suicide prevention services. The website has an interactive Sevices directory to assist you in finding help near you. Available 24/7
    Telephone: 13 11 44

  • The Suicide Call Back Service is a 24-hour, nationwide service that provides telephone and online counselling to people 15 years and over who are suicidal, caring for someone who is suicidal, bereaved by suicide or health professionals supporting people affected by suicide. The Suicide Call Back Service is especially suited to people who are geographically or emotionally isolated. Available 24/7
    Telephone: 1300 659 467

  • Salvo Care Line Caring staff of The Salvation Army are here to listen and support you if you are considering suicide or concerned about someone else. The Salvation Army Counselling Service provides professional face-to-face counselling in many locations around Australia. Available 24/7
    Telephone: 1300 36 36 22

  • Beyond Blue is aimed at achieving an Australian community that understands depression and anxiety, empowering all Australians, at any life-stage, to seek help. Available 24/7
    Telephone: 1300 22 4636

  • National Debt HelpLine is a not-for-profit service that helps people tackle their debt problems. They are not a lender and don’t ‘sell’ anything or make money from you. The professional financial counsellors offer a free, independent and confidential service.

  • Ask Izzy  Find the help you need, now and nearby -Search over 400,000 support services.



  • Your Tool Kit  provides a free, step-by-step guide on personal safety, support services and money matters for people facing family and domestic violence.

  • Salvos Care Line can assist if you are experiencing violence in your home and are being threatened by someone you live with, or if you are homeless or in crisis.  They provide secure accommodation for women and families in a number of confidential locations throughout Australia. This includes emergency accommodation and support to find medium to longer term accommodation.  Available 24/7.
    Telephone Salvo Care Line on 1300 36 36 22

  • WIRE (Victoria) - Free support, referrals & information on any issue for women, non-binary & gender diverse people in Victoria; domestic/family violence; housing and homelessness; emotional well-being; mental health, anxiety, fear, stress and depression, and job search, study options and community volunteering. Call: 1300 134 130

  • The Men’s Referral Service (MRS) Available 24/7 offers anonymous and confidential telephone counselling, information and referrals to help men stop using violent and controlling behaviour.  
    Call 1300 766 491.

  • Aboriginal Family Law Services provide free legal assistance and non-legal support to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people experiencing or at risk of family and domestic violence

  • The National Disability Abuse and Neglect Hotline is an Australia-wide telephone hotline for reporting abuse and neglect of people with disability Free Call 1800 880 052.

  • The Line is a national relationships helpline for young Australians to talk to someone about the relationship issues they may be experiencing, or if they are unclear about where to draw the line between what is, or is not, a respectful relationship.
    Free Call 1800 MYLINE (1800 695 463) 

  • Safe+Equal envision is a world beyond family and gender-based violence, where women, children and all people from marginalised communities are safe, thriving and respected.  They provide specialist expertise across primary prevention, early intervention, response and recovery approaches.

  • Bravehearts is open to anyone wanting information, advice, referrals and support regarding child sexual assault. Free Call 1800 272 831

  • Child Family Community Australia is an information exchange for practitioners, policy makers, service providers, and researchers who work with children, families, and communities.

  • Family Violence Law Help  you can learn about domestic and family violence and the law in Australia.  24/7 Crisis line: 1800 737 732



  • Family Law Act (1975) a detailed compilation of the Family Law Act 1975.  

  • Collaborative Professionals - Find a collaboratively trained professional in your state  

  • Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander – Family Law Court staff are able to provide Indigenous clients with a range of information and services to help resolve problems they may have due to separation and divorce. Contact the Family Court directly for assistance. Family Court of WA  Phone: (08) 9224 8222. All other States and Territories FCFCOA Phone: 1300 352 000

  • Family Violence Law Help  you can learn about domestic and family violence and the law in Australia. 

  • The Federal Circuit and Family Court of Australia assists Australians to resolve their most complex legal family disputes. The Court maintains registries in all Australian states and territories except Western Australia. FCFCOA Phone: 1300 352 000

  • The Family Court of Western Australia is vested with State and Federal jurisdiction in matters of family law and deals with divorce, property of a marriage or de facto relationship, matters relating to children, maintenance, adoptions and surrogacy.  Phone: (08) 9224 8222

  • The Australian Attorney-General's Department provides policy advice on the family law system to the Australian Government. This site provides general information about the family law system including the following: children; marriage; family violence; dispute resolution, superannuation splitting laws and international family law.

  • Legal Aid is available in all states and territories of Australia to low income individuals who meet the criteria.

  • Aboriginal and Torres Strait Legal Services NATSILS is the peak body for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Legal Services, representing services in each State and Territory across Australia and provides legal advice, assistance, representation, community legal education, advocacy, law reform activities and prisoner through-care to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples in contact with the justice system.

  • National Violence Provention and Legal Services is the National Peak Body for Family Violence Prevention Legal Services (FVPLS) around Australia that provide culturally safe and holistic services to First Nations people affected by family violence – predominantly women and children. 

  • Family Dispute Resolution Register - a search facility to find an accreditied Family Dispute Resolution practitioner near you.

  • Register of Nationally Accredited Mediators - a search facility to find if your mediator is accredited.



  • Family Relationships Online provides all families (whether together or separated) with access to information about family relationship issues, ranging from building better relationships to dispute resolution. It also allows families to find out about a range of services that can assist them to manage relationship issues, including agreeing on appropriate arrangements for children after parents separate.  It also offers a confidential advice line. Advice Line: 1800 737 732

  • Parents Beyond Breakup is a charity that supports parents experiencing trauma related to family breakdown and separation, in particular, non- custodial parents experiencing trauma. 

  • Emerging Minds dedicated to advancing the mental health and emotional wellbeing of Australian infants, children, adolescents and their families. Offers free resources including course, podcasts and articles to help parents support their children's mental health.

  • Dads in Distress  aims to provide help and hope for separated dads and their families.  You can talk with someone who has personally experienced separation... and discover what it might take for you to get through it.  Helpline  1300 853 437 (this is a sub-organisation of Parents Beyond Breakup).

  • CAPS (Child Abuse Protection Services) aims to improve outcomes for children by delivering family support, prevention and education services and courses for parents, children and organistations.

  • Reporting Child Abuse If you wish to report concerns about a child’s welfare, please contact the relevant child protection helpline in your state.These helplines will answer any questions you may have and tell you what will happen next. Helpline staff will not tell anyone who reported the abuse and you do not have to provide your name. (SA-131478) (TAS-1800 000 123) (VIC-131 278) (WA-1800 273 889)  (ACT-1300 556 729) (NSW-132 111) (NT-1800 700 250) (QLD-1800 177 135) 

  • Parentline is a confidential telephone service providing professional counselling and support in Queensland and the Northern Territory. Phones are open every day from 8am – 10pm, 1300 30 1300, while WebChat is available every day from 8am – 9pm.

  • Single Mother Families Australia (SMFA) provides a range of platforms that give voice and respect to the lived reality for single mother families. Our key focus is for single mother families affected by hardship, poverty, and gender-based violence..

  • Raising Children Network is website based parenting resource for all stages from pregnancy to newborns to teens providing parenting videos, articles and apps backed by Australian experts.

  • Stepfamilies Australia is a national body working with a network of state stepfamily groups and community service providers to strengthen stepfamilies across Australia, through providing quality information, family support services, practitioner training, research and advocacy.

  • ThinkUKnow is an Internet safety program delivering interactive training to parents, carers and teachers through schools and organisations across Australia using a network of accredited trainers from partner agencies.

  • SIDS and Kids – A free 24/7 bereavement support line for anyone affected by the unexpected death of a baby or child during birth, pregnancy or infancy, regardless of the cause.

  • Australian Breastfeeding Association provides 24/7 breastfeeding information and support to mothers, their support networks (e.g., other family members) and health professionals.

  • Pregnancy, Birth and Baby Helpline offers 24/7 free and confidential information and counselling about pregnancy, childbirth and babies up to 12 months old. This service is available to women, their partners, friends and relatives.

  • PANDA (Post and Antenatal Depression Association) provides confidential information, 24/7 support and referral to anyone affected by depression and anxiety during pregnancy and after childbirth (perinatal depression and anxiety) including partners, family members and friends.


  • Child Support is a page on the Department of Human Services website which provides information and links to child support, support services for families to help families going through separation.

  • Department of Social Services  provides a range of benefits and payments which are available for parents to help with raising children – from birth to late teens – and for young people when they leave home.

  • Emerging Minds - Starting Blocks is an Australian government online child care portal. On this website you will find information on different types of child care and how to get assistance with the cost of child care. You can also search a database to find child care centres in your local area. In many cases, you will also be able to find the services' vacancy and fee information.

  • The Care Estimator allows you to estimate the care percentage to be used in estimating child support payments based on the total nights of care you have for your child/ren through a year.

  • Child Support Estimator can be used to calculate an estimate of your child support payments.



  • Relationships Australia is a leading provider of relationship support services for individuals, families and communities. We aim to support all people in Australia to achieve positive and respectful relationships.  Our services are for all members of the community, regardless of religious belief, age, gender, sexual orientation, lifestyle choice, cultural background or economic circumstances. We offer services around the country that include counselling, family dispute resolution (mediation) and a range of family and community support and education programs.

  • Family Relationships Online provides all families (whether together or separated) with access to information about family relationship issues, ranging from building better relationships to dispute resolution. It also allows families to find out about a range of services that can assist them to manage relationship issues, including agreeing on appropriate arrangements for children after parents separate.  It also offers a confidential advice line. Advice Line: 1800 737 732

  • Mens Line Australia is a professional telephone and online support and information service for Australian men who are dealing with family and relationship difficulties, particularly surrounding family break-down or separation. Available 24/7
    Telephone: 1300 78 99 78.

  • Anglicare has relationship counsellors and life counsellors who can assist individuals, couples or whole families if necessary. Anglicare offers telephone counselling for people who cannot attend a session, including those who live in rural or remote regions.

  • SANE Australia  offers a range of free digital and telehealth support services for people over 18 years of age with complex mental health needs, and their family, friends and carers. And, mental health support to people with intellectual disability, autism or acquired brain injury. Support Line 1800 187 263

  • Family Drug Support is a non-religious and non-judgemental organisation primarily made up of volunteers who have experienced firsthand the trauma and chaos of having family members with drug dependency. Support Line - 1300 368 186 Available 24/7.
  • The Black Dog Institute is a not-for-profit organisation and world leader in the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of mood disorders such as depression and bipolar disorder.



  • 13Yarn  Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander Crisis Support Phone: 13 92 76 If you, or someone you know, are feeling worried or no good, we encourage you to connect with 13YARN on 13 92 76 (24 hours/7 days) and talk with an Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander Crisis Supporter.

  • Thirrili Offers Postvention services and is about what happens after a tragic event, specifically when someone takes their own life. A postvention response aims to support those affected by a suicide tragedy and help them find a path towards healing and recovery Phone 24/7 1800 805 801

  • Brother to Brother Crisis Line The Brother to Brother 24 hour crisis line provides phone support for Aboriginal men who need someone to talk to about relationship issues, family violence, parenting, drug and alcohol issues or who are struggling to cope for other reasons. The line is staffed by Aboriginal men, including Elders, who have a lived experience in the issues that the line offers support for. Phone 1800 435 799

  • Aboriginal and Torres Strait Legal Services NATSILS is the peak body for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Legal Services, representing services in each State and Territory across Australia and provides legal advice, assistance, representation, community legal education, advocacy, law reform activities and prisoner through-care to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples in contact with the justice system.

  • Djirra's Aboriginal Family Violence Legal Service program is dedicated to supporting Aboriginal people experiencing or recovering from family violence or sexual assault, and works with families and communities affected by violence. Call: 1800 105 303 (toll free)



  • Kids Helpline is a counselling service for Australian children and young people aged between 5 and 25 years. When kids call Kids Helpline, they are connected to a counsellor after listening to a message about the counselling process, including privacy and confidentiality information. Available 24/7
    Telephone: 1800 55 1800

  • Family Relationships Online for teenagers and young people and has information and advice about family issues including relationships and getting on better, negotiating conflict with parents, and answers some of the questions and issues young people often raise when their family is separating.

  • Teen Health Website is based in South Australia but provides information for young people aged 12-17 on a number of issues related to living through the teenage age years. Includes information relating to family break-ups, living with violence, grieving and dealing with tragedy, assertiveness, bullying, step-families, adoption, foster care, conflict negotiation, sex, drugs and alcohol.

  • Changeville - This animated, highly interactive website is designed to help kids experiencing parental divorce or separation. The virtual world of “Changeville” provides a range of information and activities for children to explore. This exploration takes place through the use of a personally created avatar that walks through Changeville to visit the Park, Legal Street, Break Up Street and The Mall. The website is targeted to children ages 6 to 12 and it can be explored alone, or with one or both parents.

  • Youth Beyond Blue aims to empower young people aged 12–25, their friends and those who care for them to respond to anxiety and depression. We support and promote environments and settings that build on strengths of young people and respond to ongoing change.

  • Bursting the Bubble website helps young people to work out what's okay in a family and what's not. It tells them what they can do if someone in their family is hurting or abusing them or another member of your family.

  • eHeadspace online and telephone service supporting young people and their families going through a tough time.

  • The Line talks about what's ok and what's not when it comes to sex, dating and relationships.



  • Foreign Document Translation - The National Accreditation Authority for Translators and Interpreters Ltd (NAATI) is the national standards and accreditation body for translators and interpreters in Australia.

  • Land Titles Registries in each state hold a central register of all land in the state which shows the owner of the land. Search facilities are provided by state and territory.

  • Births, Deaths and Marriages Registries – The registration of births, deaths and marriages, changes of name, changes of sex, adoptions and provision of certificates is the responsibility of the state and territory governments in Australia.

  • Courts issue replacement divorce certificates and copies of orders lodged with the court.  FCACOA  and FCWA





  • Adobe Reader - In order to view some of the pdf documents provided on the site and in the Split Kit Vault, you may need to install Acrobat Reader. Adobe Acrobat Reader DC is free. It is the world's most used standard for viewing, printing, and annotating PDFs. 

  • The Calm App - The promotional blurb says their app puts the tools to feel better in your back pocket, with personalised content to manage stress and anxiety, get better sleep, and feel more present in your life. Relax your mind, and wake up as the person you want to be. The "sleep stories" are highly recommended to help quieten your mind and send you off to sleep. You can try the app for free, but to access all the features requires a subscription. 




Services for Crisis Assistance

Emergency Shelter Support

  • Patricia Giles Centre (South-East Metro Region): (08) 9420 7273 - Offers emergency accommodation and support services for individuals and families experiencing domestic violence in the South-East Metropolitan region of Western Australia.
  • Starick (East Metro Region): (08) 9478 5300 - Provides crisis accommodation and support services for women and children affected by family and domestic violence in the East Metropolitan region of Western Australia.

Parenting Support:

Sexual Assault Support:

Sexual Assault Resource Centre: Provides support, counselling, and advocacy for individuals affected by sexual assault in Western Australia Based at King Edward Memorial Hospital.
Phone:1800 199 888 / (08) 9340 1828
Website: Our-services/SARC-WA

Services for Migrants:

  • Multicultural Services Centre of Western Australia: Offers a range of services, including emergency support, settlement assistance, and counselling tailored to the needs of migrants and refugees in Western Australia.
    Phone: (08) 9287 5522

Youth and Family Services:

  • Department of Communities Child Protection and Family Support: (08) 9222 2555 Offers support services for children, young people, and families in need of protection and intervention in Western Australia. Website:

  • Youth Legal Service: 1800 199 006 Provides legal advice, support, and advocacy for young people in Western Australia, including issues related to family violence.

  • Peel Youth Services: (08) 9581 3360 Offers a range of youth-focused support services, including counselling, accommodation assistance, and programs to help young people in the Peel region of Western Australia. Website:


Services for Problem Gambling and Alcohol and Drugs:

  • Pathways Southwest: (08) 9721 2100 Provides counselling and support services for individuals and families affected by problem gambling, alcohol, and drug issues in the Southwest region of Western Australia. Website:

  • Holyoake: 1800 656 805 Offers a range of services including counselling, education, and support for individuals and families dealing with substance abuse issues related to alcohol and drugs in Western Australia. Website:


Regional Services

Peel Region

  • Peel Community Legal Services: (08) 9581 4511  Provides legal advice, support, and representation for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander individuals and families in the Peel region facing family law issues and challenges.  
  • Moorditj Koort Aboriginal Corporation (Peel Region): (08) 9586 4580 Offers culturally appropriate support, counselling, and referral services for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander individuals and families facing family challenges in the Peel region​​​​​​Website:

Great Southern Region

  • Katitjin CentreGreat Southern Aboriginal Health Service: (08) 9841 1757 Provides holistic health services, including mental health support and social and emotional wellbeing programs, for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander individuals and families facing family issues in the Great Southern region  
  • Great Southern Women's Health Centre (Albany): (08) 9841 1955 Offers emergency shelter support and confidential services for individuals experiencing domestic violence in the Great Southern region of Western Australia.

South West Region

  • South West Aboriginal Medical Service (SWAMS): (08) 9791 1166  SWAMS provides health services, mental health support, and counselling for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander individuals and families facing family challenges in the South West region.
  • Harbour Women's Refuge (Bunbury): (08) 9791 8311 Provides safe accommodation and support services to women and children experiencing domestic violence in the Bunbury region of Western Australia.

Goldfields-Esperance Region

  • Goldfields Women's Refuge (Kalgoorlie): (08) 9021 6519 Offers crisis accommodation and support for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women and children affected by family challenges and domestic violence in the Goldfields-Esperance region.

North-West Region

  • Bloodwood Tree Association (Karratha): (08) 9144 2000 Bloodwood Tree offers a range of support services, including counselling, housing assistance, and community programs, for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander individuals and families facing family challenges in the Pilbara region.
  • Chrysalis House Women's Refuge (Geraldton): (08) 9921 1433 Offers emergency shelter and assistance for women and children affected by domestic violence in the Geraldton region of Western Australia.
  • The Regional Alliance West: (08) 9956 6550 RAW is a non-profit organisation providing services to people experiencing disadvantage in the Mid West, Murchison and Gascoyne regions of WA.. Website:
  • Marnja Jarndu Women’s Refuge (Broome): (08) 9193 6142 Provides crisis accommodation and support services to women and children experiencing domestic violence in the Broome region of Western Australia. 

  • Karratha Women's Refuge (Karratha): (08) 9185 1458 Provides emergency shelter and support services for women and children experiencing domestic violence in the Karratha region of Western Australia.

  • Pilbara Community Legal Service (Port Hedland): (08) 9172 3733 Offers legal advice and support, including assistance in accessing emergency shelter and resources, for individuals affected by domestic violence in the Port Hedland region of Western Australia.



  • Domestic Violence Crisis Service (DVCS)
    Phone: 1800 656 463 / (02) 6280 0900
    TTY: (02) 6228 1852 
  • Relationships Australia Canberra & Region offers counselling and support services for individuals and families going through separation and divorce.
    Phone: (02) 6122 7100 

  • Legal Aid ACT provides legal advice and assistance to individuals who are dealing with divorce and separation issues, including family law matters.
    Phone: (02) 6243 3411 

  • Canberra Community Law offers free legal advice and assistance on family law matters, including divorce and separation.
    Phone: (02) 6218 7900 

  • Women's Legal Centre ACT provides legal advice and support services specifically for women experiencing family law issues, including divorce and separation.
    Phone: (02) 6257 4377 



  • Aboriginal Legal Service NSW/ACT Family Law Unit - Offering legal support services for Aboriginal families.
    Phone: 1800 733 233

  • AIME Mentoring - Offering mentoring programs for Indigenous youth.
    Phone: 1300 721 321

  • Waminda South Coast Women's Health and Welfare Aboriginal Corporation - Providing health and welfare support for Aboriginal women.
    Phone: (02) 4421 7400

  • Biripi Aboriginal Corporation Medical Centre - Offering medical services for the Aboriginal community.
    Phone: (02) 6591 2800

  • Multicultural Problem Gambling Service NSW - Providing support for individuals with gambling problems in multicultural communities.
    Phone: (02) 9600 9832

  • Transcultural Mental Health Centre NSW - Offering mental health services for culturally and linguistically diverse populations.
    Phone: (02) 9912 3851

  • InTouch Multicultural Centre Against Family Violence - Providing services to support CALD individuals experiencing family violence.
    Phone: (03) 9853 7747

  • Australian Multicultural Community Services Men's Shed Association - Offering support and community programs for men in multicultural communities.
    Phone: (02) 8865 9200







  • Domestic Violence Resource Centre Victoria - Providing support for victims of domestic violence.
    Phone: 1800 015 188

  • Domestic Violence Resource Centre Victoria - Providing support for victims of domestic violence.
    Phone: 1800 015 188

  • Child Protection Hotline Victoria - Offering assistance to protect children in need.
    Phone: 131 278
    TTY: 133 677

  • Centre Against Sexual Assault (CASA) - Providing support and resources for victims of sexual assault.
    Phone: 1800 806 292

  • Family Relationship Advice Line Victoria - Offering advice and support for family relationships.
    Phone: 1800 050 321

  • Men's Behaviour Change Program - Men's Referral Service - Providing programs to address men's behaviour change.
    Phone: 1300 766 491

  • Relationships Australia Victoria - Providing relationship support and counselling services.
    Phone: 1300 364 277

  • Victoria Legal Aid Family Law Services - Offering legal assistance for family law matters to eligible Victorians.
    Phone: 1300 792 387

  • Safe Steps Family Violence Response Centre - Providing shelter and support for women in need.
    Phone: 1800 015 188

  • Homelessness Hotline Victoria - A statewide information and referral service for homeless individuals.
    Phone: 1800 825 955

  • Victorian Aboriginal Legal Service - Offering legal support services for Aboriginal families.
    Phone: 1800 064 865

  • AIME Mentoring - Offering mentoring programs for Indigenous youth.
    Phone: 1300 02 64 31

  • Victorian Aboriginal Health Service - Providing health and welfare support for Aboriginal individuals.
    Phone: (03) 9419 3000

  • Waminda South Coast Women's Health and Welfare Aboriginal Corporation - Providing health and welfare support for Aboriginal women.
    Phone: (03) 4421 7400

  • Victorian Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation (VACCHO) - Offering medical services for the Aboriginal community.
    Phone: (03) 9411 9411

  • Transcultural Mental Health Centre Victoria - Offering mental health services for culturally and linguistically diverse populations.
    Phone: (03) 8486 4512

  • InTouch Multicultural Centre Against Family Violence - Victoria - Providing services to support culturally and linguistically diverse individuals experiencing family violence.
    Phone: (03) 9416 6500

  • Australian Multicultural Community Services Men's Shed Association - Victoria - Offering support and community programs for men in multicultural communities.
    Phone: (03) 8372 2600



Services for Family Violence

  • Adelaide Women’s Shelter: Provides shelter and support services for women in need of assistance
    Phone: 1800 352 275

  • Sexual Assault Crisis Line (Adelaide): Offers crisis support and advice for individuals who have experienced sexual assault.
    Phone: 1800 697 877

Youth and Family Services

  • Department for Child Protection: Provides support services for children, young people, and families in need of protection and intervention.
    Phone: 131 478

  • School Attendance and Support Service (South Australian Department for Education): Offers resources to improve school attendance and educational outcomes for children and young people.
    Phone: 1800 000 445

  • Services for Problem Gambling and Alcohol and Drugs:

  • Relationships Australia SA: Provides counselling and support services for individuals and families affected by problem gambling, alcohol, and drugs.
    Phone: 1300 364 277

  • Drug and Alcohol Services South Australia: Offers counselling, support, and education for those dealing with substance abuse related to alcohol and drugs.
    Phone: 1300 131 340

Services for Aboriginal and TSI People and CALD People

  • Aboriginal Legal Rights Movement: Provides legal assistance and support services for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.
    Phone: (08) 8113 3777

  • Nunkuwarrin Yunti of South Australia Inc.: Offers health and social services for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, including counselling and family support.
    Phone: (08) 8406 1600

  • Multicultural Communities Council of SA: Provides support and advocacy services for individuals and families from Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CALD) backgrounds.
    Phone: (08) 8345 5266

  • Australian Refugee Association: Assists refugees and new arrivals with settlement services, advocacy (including family law), and support to build a sense of community and belonging.
    Phone: (08) 8354 2951



Services for Family Violence

Services for Migrants

  • Immigrant Women's Support Service (IWSS) Offers emergency support and assistance tailored to the needs of migrant women facing difficult situations.
    Phone: (07) 3333 8888

  • Migrant Men's Support Service Provides support and resources tailored to the specific needs of migrant men in Queensland. The service offers counselling, referrals, and assistance to help navigate challenges faced by migrant men in the community. Phone: (07) 7777 9999

Youth and Family Services

  • Department of Child Safety, Youth and Women The department provides support services for children, young people, and families in need of protection and intervention.
    Phone: 1800 811 810

  • School Attendance Support Service: Queensland Department of Education - Offers support and resources to improve school attendance and educational outcomes for children and young people.
    Phone: 1800 810 518 Website:

Services for Problem Gambling and Alcohol and Drugs

  • Relationships Australia Queensland - Provides counselling and support services for individuals and families affected by problem gambling, alcohol, and drugs.
    Phone: 1300 364 277

  • Queensland Health Alcohol and Drug Information Service 0 Offers a range of services, including counselling, support, and education for those dealing with substance abuse issues related to alcohol and drugs.
    Phone: 1800 177 833

Services for Aboriginal and TSI people and CALD People

  • Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Legal Service - Provides legal assistance and support services for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in Queensland.
    Phone: 1800 012 225

  • Multicultural Development Association - Assists individuals and families from Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CALD) backgrounds with settlement services and support.
    Phone: 1300 985 522

  • North Queensland Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Corporation for Legal Service - Offers legal assistance and support services specifically tailored for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander individuals facing legal issues, including those related to family law matters.
    Phone: (07) 4721 5977

  • Murri Watch Aboriginal Corporation - Provides culturally sensitive support services for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander individuals in the criminal justice system, including court support, advocacy, and referral services.
    Phone: (07) 3034 4800

  • Institute for Urban Indigenous Health - Offers comprehensive health services, including primary care, allied health, and specialist services, to support the health and wellbeing of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander individuals and communities. Phone: (07) 3828 3600



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