
Child Support

Money that one parent pays to the other parent to assist in providing for the needs of the children. Sometimes referred to as Child Maintenance.

Child Support Agency (CSA)

Is part of the Australian Taxation office. The CSA is responsible for: administering the Child Support Scheme, the collection of child support and child maintenance, the enforcement of payments and working out how much child support is payable.

Child Support Formula

This formula is set out in the Child Support Assessment Act 1989 and is used to work out the amount of child support payable. There are different formulae which may apply depending on the circumstances of the particular case.

Child Support Income Amount

The amount which forms the basis for an assessment of child support based on gross income of the parents and the number of dependents.

Child Support Scheme

Refers to the legislation which covers child maintenance and child support cases. It was introduced in two stages. It is administered by the Child Support Agency and other agencies play a fundamental role in the operation of the Child Support Scheme - eg. Centrelink and the Commonwealth Attorney-General's Department.

CSA (Child Support Agency)

Is part of the Australian Taxation office. The CSA is responsible for: administering the Child Support Scheme, the collection of child support and child maintenance, the enforcement of payments and working out how much child support is payable.
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