No fault divorce family law act 1975
Married Couples
De Facto Couples or Same Sex Couples
Eligibility for divorce
Divorce Step-by-step
What is an Affidavit?
Forms and fees
Family dispute resolution
Types of orders and agreements
Breach of Orders
different legal approaches
Seeking legal advice
Your Will
Family violence
What is Property Settlement?
What is included as Property?
'Out of court' property settlement
How does the court determine asset split?
four step process for property settlement
Spousal Maintenance
Making a property agreement legally binding
What happens to the Family Business?
Third party involvement in settlement
Loans from family and friends
Stamp duty and tax liabilities
governments benefits
Family violence and property settlement
Best interests of the children
Child Custody
Parental Responsibility
Child's time with each parent
Parenting Plan
Parenting Orders
Family Dispute Resolution Certificate
Child Support and Child Maintenance
Child Support Agreements
Changing a Child's Family Name
Relocating home
Travelling Overseas with Children
The Hague Convention
Grandparents' rights
Child Abuse and Family Violence